
You never know until you...

There is an unwritten, unspoken rule in this family. If something you have never eaten before is offered to you - try it. You can choose never to eat it again, but only as an educated choice.

I cringe when I hear children shouting "I don't like it" when faced with something new, and parents need to promote food as an exciting part of life, something to enjoy, something to seek out... I knew a girl a couple of years back who only ate a combination of chicken, rice, pasta potatoes and tomato sauce. I reeled when she told me she had never tried anything else. The result of her mother allowing her to be fussy, without any reason. I begged this girl to just try something else but she refused. Her loss. Imagine a life without steak, mushrooms, imagine never eating onions, no garlic, no curries!

So Mary has grown up in a house where all types of food is passed around, try this, try that. She has an educated opinion on what she likes or doesn't and that is okay with me, she doesn't like raw onions, and isn't too pushed on blue cheese but loves blue cheese sauce.

And she absolutely hates leeks.

Oh and snails... as you can see from the pictures...


Emma said...

Great pictures. So, what was Mary trying? Did she like it?

AMI said...

a snail! I shou.d probably be more clear about that - she thought it was revolting!

Ciara Brehony said...

Hilarious! At least she tried them!

Nicole said...

Ha ha! Too funny! How do you get them to taste it? What age did she start to agree on it? I can't get my daughter to put some things even near her mouth even though I tell her she needs have only one quick taste. It doesn't help that her father is about as picky as that little girl you refer to. Pathetic and sad. :(

AMI said...

yeh you should probably wait until she develops an ego and use reverse psychology - start telling other people within her earshot how she eats really adult things and then she'll believe it and start to try things! HA!

Nicole said...

Okay. I will have to try that. Mine is pretty smart. I have a hard time using reverse psychology already... Peer pressure is good too. I notice my kids eat better around other kids who are eating healthy! Not to be outdone!

Kim in the Kitchen said...

I'm such a picky eater, but I've grown up a little bit. At least now I will try things. I still can't believe that I refused to try guacamole until I was 20! Now I love it. A little taste never hurt anyone.