Thanks Nicole!
I was touched to receive the "Blogging with a Purpose" award this morning from Nicole over at
Art and Aioli, I've become a regular over in virtual california, where Nicole cooks up a storm in her kitchen - I'm still green eyed over that Pizza stone Nicole! Nicole interjects her colourful kitchen journal with pieces of art that inspire her, my favorite is
I would like to pass on this award to the following,
A truthful and evocative blog, snippets of the joy and heart that is Ciaras family life, her writing is particulary beautiful, it is a wonderful blog and the weekly
'something lovely' is a joy!
I love this blog - I'm completely inspired by the descriptions of life for this Irish woman living in Alabama.
Fantastic and hilarious at times, an interiors/design blog with snippets of diary entries that are pure gems.
Sternum Might
An amazing blog which I stumbled upon and have enjoyed reading immensely. A fellow Joanna Newsom fan, Serena is a talented writer and jewellery maker and her fantastic poetry prose posts are brilliant! I also enjoy answering her very interesting "scruple" which she updates regularly on her blog!
Ten on Ten
I love this project which was set up by Rebekah and has been such fun to participate in! Check in to see her macro work project which is really lovely.
Award-winners, here's what you should do if you would like to pass this lovely award on:
1. nominate 5 blogs which haven't had this award before
2. each of the blogs must have a purpose
3.the nominated blogs must make a link back to this page
4. the logo from the award must be put on their blog and it must link back to this blog!