
Mint anyone?

One of my favorite pasta sauces has to be eaten on a day where I've nowhere to be, or nobody to see... because it is the equivalent of eating the stinkiest crisps they sell!
Here it is - you must try it and be sure to let me know what you think!

Raw Onion Sauce for Pasta

Chop 1 onion, a half a mild chili and a clove of garlic together.
Pop into the food processor with a good slug of virgin olive oil and blitz until its smooth.  
Add a couple of tablespoons of parmesan cheese, a tub of creme fraiche and some salt and pepper.
Stir through hot pasta and eat! I often put french beans into boil with my pasta, no matter what sauce I'm making, its a great way of making a little go a long way!

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