

Oh I'm sorry about the title, but I can't help it! 

Okay this is a great little crowd pleaser to throw out at the last minute when barbequing for pals! Its super easy, super delicious and has a very sophisticated air about it.  You can also do this in a bonfire which would stun any party into a hum of eager chewing.

Its Bonfire Fondue, Barbeque Fondue... its FONDUE-QUE!

You'll need
1 Camembert round, in a wooden box (or Brie)
Some sprigs of rosemary or thyme
a glass of white wine
Chunks of bread

Unwrap the cheese and pop it back into its wooden box, then pierce through the curd about ten times, and pinch a sprig of herb through the hole.  
Then wrap the whole thing in about 4 layers of tin foil and just before twisting the top shut, pour in your glass of wine.

Leave on a medium barbeque for about 30 minutes or so, until the cheese is bubbling through the holes in the curd.  Break through the curd to expose a bubbling fondue! 

Dip bread chunks repeatedly and eat!
We play a game called fondue forfeit when eating fondue, inspired by the one in "Asterix in Switzerland", if you lose your bread off your fork while dipping you must do a forfeit... Our favorite forfeits usually involves making a wally of yourself somehow!


Ciara Brehony said...

aHa ha! Brilliant!

Can we book you for the 28th? :-)

AMI said...

To do which? The cheese or the making a wally of oneself...? To this day I have never dropped my cheese... You'd have to talk to Bill about that!

On a serious note though, could we rig up a proper cheese fondue somehow? A big one...

Emily said...

Yum! We used to do something like this on the parilla (an Argentine BBQ pronounced parija) when I lived in Argentina. It was delicious spread on baguette as a late lunch/early dinner starter while things were gearing up to be cooked.